{A Week in the Life (and Mandy Downloads Instagram!)]

Finstad Heart-Carrot. Growing together as one. Love.


Summer. Upright. Our cool iron gate. Patience while waiting for The Jean. Cutest purse I own.


  1. I adore that purse! The carrot is cool and those puppies are cute, cute, cute! Oh, Hi Jean!

  2. Thanks! The purse is by Ness (http://www.nessbypost.com), and I got it last time we were in Northern Ireland. The smart people at Bushmills Distillery put their gift shop at the END of their tour (after you're drunk on whiskey samples!), and we spent a ton of cash there. I have two matching/similar skirts as well. If you see anything you like on their site let me know, as we'll be back there soon enough :-)
