{The Art and Science of Keeping House - Part I}

"When you keep a house, you use your head, your heart, and your hands together to create a home - the place where you live the most important parts of your private life. Housekeeping is an art: it combines intuition and physical skill to create comfort, health, beauty, order, and safety. It is also a science, a body of knowledge that helps us seek those goals and values wisely, efficiently, humanely. Such knowledge is drawn from practical experience, family traditions, the natural and social sciences, and many other stores of understanding and information.

Some of this skill and knowledge is directed toward keeping the home clean, but cleaning is only part of keeping house, and in modern homes an ever-smaller part. Keeping house has always encompassed knowing and doing whatever is needed to make the home a small, living society with the capacities to meet the needs of people in their private life: everything from meals, shelter, clothing, warmth and other physical necessities to books and magazines, play, facilities for entertaining oneself and others, a place to work, and much more."

-Preface, 'Home Comforts: The Art and Science of Keeping House'

How does this look in practice?
How is this applied in the day-to-day workings of a housewife?
What the heck do we do all day?
Stay tuned for Part II!

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